Category: News

Open door day

Attention to entrants! DAY OF OPEN DOORS OF CHEMICAL-TECHNOLOGICAL FACULTY February 16, 2019 from 9.00 to 15.00 From 9.00 – registration of participants (State Polytechnic Museum, building 6) From 9.00… Read more »

Attention, masters!

On Tuesday, May 22, in the auditorium 405 at 14:00 the State Examinations Commission for the defence of master’s theses will take place.

Start of the semester

Congratulations to students and teachers with the beginning of the 2nd semester! During the first few weeks, minor changes to the schedule may occur. You can view the current schedule… Read more »

Open door day

Attention to entrants! February 10, 2018 Open Door Day of the KPI, beginning at 9:00. At 12:00 – meeting at the Faculty (4 building, large chemical audience) At 13:00 –… Read more »