International Training Week for Erasmus+ partner universities

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In the context of continuing cooperation between the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the University of Dumlupinar (Kyutahia, Turkey) within the framework of the International Week of Training for Erasmus + partner universities, which was held at the KPI them. Igor Sikorsky from May 27 to 31, 2019, with the purpose of strengthening cooperation in the educational, methodological, scientific and innovative spheres, as well as in the organization of joint international projects, a meeting between the head of the department of chemical technology of ceramics and glass was held on May 27, 2019. NAS of Ukraine, doctor of sciences, professor B.Yu. Kornilovich with the head of the delegation of the University of Dumlupinar, Professor, Director of the Department of International Affairs, Professor Oktay Shahbaz, as well as members of the delegation – Professor Chengiz Karaguzel and Professor Umran Ergetin.

During the meeting, issues of future cooperation in the field of environmental protection and development of new materials based on natural non-metallic raw materials were discussed, as well as the possibility of introduction of double diplomas with the participation of the University of Dumlupinar (Kutahya, Turkey) and the chemical-technological faculty of KPI them. Igor Sikorsky (department of chemical technology of ceramics and glass).