Postgraduate (PhD)

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 655 dated June 10, 2016 concerning the licensing of educational activities at the third educational-scientific level, the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” is included in the list of universities that have the right to conduct a recruitment of students for training Doctors of Philosophy in full-time or part-time, budget and contractual forms of training.

The chair of chemical technology of ceramics and glass carries out preparation of doctors of philosophy in the specialty:
161 Chemical Technology and Engineering

Masters are invited for the given or related specialties.
Individuals who enter postgraduate studies from another field of specialization than those indicated in their master’s degree (specialist) may be assigned additional introductory tests. Additional introductory tests are rated on the “accrued” “uncredited” scale. An entrant who has received “uncredited” before entering the entrance examination is not allowed.
Nonresident students are provided with a hostel.

PhD students are invited to study for a master’s or specialist degree. Only individuals who have submitted all necessary documents in the timetable established by the rules of admission are allowed to take part in the competitive selection.

More about the terms of admission and rules on the website of the postgraduate department.

The themes of the dissertation (PhD) of postgraduate students of the chair of chemical technology of ceramics and glass of CTF

For postgraduate students are accepted on a competitive basis, within the persons who have received a higher education degree of a master’s degree. Applicants are allowed to enter the entrance examination, who in due time submitted all necessary documents for admission in accordance with the rules of admission to the University, which are published on the website of the postgraduate department.

The themes of the dissertation (PhD) of postgraduate students of the chair of chemical technology of ceramics and glass of CTF

The name and initials of the graduate student Year of introduction Thesis topic Supervisor
Kholodko Yu.M.


2017 Getting iron nanostructured ceramic mater ialiv by sol-gel technology Ph.D., assistant professor Tobilko V.Yu.
A. Bondareva 2019 Porous ceramic materials based on clay of Ukraine


Ph.D., assistant professor Tobilko V.Yu.

The subject of the work of candidates for graduate

№ p / n The name of the topic The content of the task Supervisor
for 2019
1 Obtaining reactive silicate materials for industrial waste disposal Development of new high-efficiency, high-selectivity sorbent silicate materials Ph.D., assistant professor Tobilko V.Yu.
for 2020
2 Functionalized silicate materials with modified surface


Obtaining a modified surface silicate sorption material for the removal of inorganic toxicants from the aquatic environment Ph.D., assistant professor Tobilko V.Yu.