Where our graduates work

Do you want to know where you will be able to work after the end of the department of chemical technology of ceramics and glass of the chemical-technological faculty NTUU “KPI”?

Graduates of the department work fruitfully both in scientific institutions at leading and engineering positions and at the enterprises of the branch in Kiev, Ukraine and abroad. Among them in recent years:

Yatsenko Artem

During the study, he paid a lot of attention to scientific research. Successfully defended the master’s thesis “Technological aspects of obtaining composite material for medical purposes on the basis of glass and aluminum oxide”, after the completion of the postgraduate course NTUU “KPI” defended his Ph.D. thesis and now works as a senior lecturer at the Department of HTKS.

Tyschenko Yana

Studied at the university for good and excellent, took an active part in the scientific work of the department. He defended the diploma work of a specialist, “Study of the surface of a liquid system of aluminum oxide system – hafnium oxide – gadolinium oxide for the purpose of creating refractory materials”, after graduation from the Institute of Materials Science. IM Frantsevich of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine defended his Ph.D. thesis and works as a researcher at the IPM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Sych Olena

During 6 years he studied well, defended his master’s thesis “Comparative research and regularities of sintering of glass ceramics on the basis of synthetic and biogenic hydroxyapatite” and received a direction for admission to postgraduate studies at the IPM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During the term of the postgraduate studies he defended his Ph.D. thesis and is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute.

Poletaeva Nadia

After the defense of the thesis “Optimization of production processes of high-quality ceramic tiles on the basis of the introduction of energy-saving technologies”, he successfully graduated from the magistracy and works in the international department of PFK Agromat LLC.


Bondarenko Oleksander

During 6 years he studied well, received a scholarship of the Academician B.S. Lisin. After successful defense of the master’s dissertation “Optimization of the processes of obtaining porous ceramics based on kaolinite” is a leading programmer at Terrasoft (Ukraine), which provides consulting services, automation and development services for CRM systems (customer relationship management systems), their support for small, medium and large businesses in the CIS, Europe and America.

Cherkasova Kateryna

Always studied perfectly. He defended his master’s thesis on “Development of functional ceramics based on zirconium oxide and lanthanum oxides”. After obtaining a Master’s degree, he works as the Director General of BIOHIMAKT (Ukraine), which is a leader in the supply of chemical raw materials for various technological processes, including the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.

Pylypko Sergii

In the program of double diploma successfully defended the diploma work “Synthesis of luminescent materials on the basis of rare-earth oxfluorides,” which was highly appreciated both at NTUU “KPI” and at the University of Le Mans in France. Received a recommendation and enrolled in the postgraduate study at Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon in France. After studying, he defended his Ph.D. dissertation and is currently working at a research center in Grenoble, France as a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Physical Chemistry.

Derkachevska Tetyana

During 6 years he studied well, he was a Fellow of the Glass of Ukraine LLC and a scholarship to them. Academician B.S. Lisin After successful defense of the master’s thesis “Granulated Sorbents for Wastewater Treatment on the Basis of Layered Silicates” is working as a technologist of the Austrian company “KEMPERIT GmbH”, which supplies chemical reagents to Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Uzbek companies to optimize the technological processes of glass, ceramics, water treatment, etc., and provides technological support for the use of these reagents.

Radchenko Pavlo

During his studies at the university he took an active part in the scientific work of the department, and the results of the research were used in the preparation and defense of the master’s thesis “Viscous glassy materials for mass transfer processes”. After successful completion of the Master’s Degree, he works as a design engineer for designing refractories for glass factories at JSJ Jodeit GmbH in Jena, Germany.

Pryimak Zhanna

She took an active part in the scientific work of the department. She was a Fellow of the Glass of Ukraine LLC and Kyiv City Mayor. After the defense of the thesis “Getting heat-treated bentonites and their use for the removal of heavy metals from solutions” and the completion of studies at the university was recommended and entered the postgraduate course of NTUU “KPI” department of TNR and ZNH.

Yachenko Olga

She took an active part in the scientific work of the department, after the defense of the thesis “Modification of natural aluminosilicates in order to obtain sorbents of heavy metals” was recommended, entered and is taught in the postgraduate course of NTUU “KPI” department of the ZHT.


Chudinovych Olga

She took an active part in the scientific work of the department, defended the thesis “Layered silicate materials for hydraulic barriers”, which was recommended by the decision of the competition committee of NTUU “KPI” and took part in the second round of the competition for the best degree work on natural sciences and environmental safety. After graduating from university, she enrolled in the postgraduate study of the Institute of Materials Science IM Frantsevich National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Shimanska Oksana

She has been well trained for 6 years, took an active part in the scientific work of the department, has repeatedly been a scholar of academician B.S. Lisin After successful defense of the thesis “Investigation of porous structure parameters and sorption characteristics of sorbents based on heat-treated laminated silicates” works in the chemical laboratory of the Kiev vitamin plant.

Pylypenko Igor

He took an active part in the scientific work of the department, presented the results at conferences in Stockholm (Sweden), Lviv, and Kiev. He was a Fellow of the Glass of Ukraine LLC and Kyiv City Mayor. After successful defense of the master’s thesis “Synthesis of Powdered Layered Silicates for the Removal of Inorganic Toxicants”, I entered the postgraduate course of the NTUU “KPI”, which graduated in 2014. Today he works as an assistant of the department of HTKS.

Golembiovskyi Anton

For 6 years he studied well, took an active part in the scientific work of the department, presented the results at conferences in Stockholm (Sweden), Kharkiv, Kiev. He was a Fellow of the Glass of Ukraine LLC and Kyiv City Mayor. After the defense of the master’s thesis “Modification of the surface of Palygorskite clays by cationic surfactants”, I entered the postgraduate course of the NTUU “KPI”, which graduated in 2014 and is currently working as an assistant to the department of KTKS.

Prachkovaska Yulia

She defended her thesis “Synthesis of sorbents with magnetic properties on the basis of iron oxides” was recommended, entered and studied in the postgraduate study of the Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and ore formation. N.P. Semenenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Gripas Olexander

He has been well trained throughout the university. He defended the diploma project “Production of ceramic filter materials based on kaolinite clay”. Head of the production of ceramic tile LLC “Agromat-Decor”. He is studying at the postgraduate course of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.

Vavshko Volodymyr

For 6 years he studied well at the university, was interested in the technology of production of special ceramics and glass. He defended his master’s thesis on the topic “The ratio of phases in the system of hafnium oxide – yttrium oxide – european oxide and prospective materials for nuclear energy”. Received a referral and works at the State Enterprise “Kyiv Aviation Plant AVIANT”.

Kolmykov Oleksii

Under the double diploma program, he successfully defended his thesis “Synthesis and study of properties of glass based on indium fluorides and gallium for fiber optics”, which was highly appreciated both at NTUU “KPI” and at the University of Le Mans in France. After studying, she received a recommendation and enrolled at the Université de Lorraine, France, where she is currently studying. Currently Alex graduates from postgraduate studies, works on the dissertation PhD “Synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals in aqueous medium with the help of microhydrodynamics”.

Doroshenko Alisa

She studied perfectly well for all her years. Several times she was a scholarship scholar of the founder of the KhTKS Chair Academician B.S. Lisin, and in 2014 received a scholarship of the mayor of Kyiv. In 2015 she defended his master’s thesis on the theme “Composite mesoporous silicate materials for sewage treatment” and was recommended for admission to postgraduate studies. At the senior courses she worked fruitfully on the scientific topics of the department. There are several articles, theses of domestic and international conferences, and active participation in them. During her studies at the Magistracy she took part in the competition program for the exchange program at Ekole Polyteknik and received a grant – internship at the Ecole Polytechnic in the Irradiated Solid Laboratory. In 2015, Alice won the prize in the All-Ukrainian competition for student research in the field of “Chemical Technology” and was recognized the best student of the year at NTUU “KPI”. After graduating from university, she entered the postgraduate study at the University of Pardubice (Czech Republic), successfully studying. Already has published three articles in professional international journals.

Pleskach Oleksandr

She has been studying well throughout the university. He defended the diploma project “Plant for the production of decorative ceramic tile for wall cladding”. Works as a master of glazing shop of Agromat – Decor.