International conference on chemistry, chemical technology and ecology, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

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We invite you to participate in the International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky, which will take place on September 26-29, 2023, Kyiv.
The conference program covers a wide range of issues devoted to the current problems of chemistry, chemical technology, ecology, materials science, modern water purification technologies, electrochemistry, as well as prospects for the preservation and development of Ukrainian science and industry during the war.
Papers on the topics of the conference written based on the results of master’s, postgraduate and doctoral students, teachers and other scientists are accepted for publication.
The conference will be held on the basis of the Chemical Technology Faculty of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in a mixed format (both offline and online) using the platform
Zoom/Google Meet.
To consider the issue of participation in the conference, it is necessary to fill out by September 10, 2023
the participant’s online form at the link and download the file with the scientific paper, designed according to the requirements, at the link
Submitted materials will be considered by the program committee.
In case of non-compliance with the requirements, the materials will not be accepted for printing.
Based on the results of the conference, a collection of scientific works will be published,
the electronic version of which will be posted on the website of the CTF Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Detailed information at the link:
Invitation to the KPI-125 conference
Invitation to the conference KPI-125

Participation in a training course from CRH Ukraine

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For 8 weeks, students of our department had the opportunity to listen to a course of lectures from CEMARK (CRH Ukraine), which is the leading manufacturer of building materials in the world. During this time, 12 lectures were held, which covered aspects of cement production from general technology, quality control and production costs to project management, time management and occupational health and safety. The speakers of the course were leading specialists and managers of the company.
For successful completion of the course, students from KhM-11 (Tereshchenko Mirra, Trunova Valeriya), KhM-01 (Zotko Maria) and KhM-21mn (Olha Fomenko) received personal certificates.

Visit of representatives of the department to a modern company of the industry

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On May 10, 2023, a group of employees of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass – acting chief associate professor of the department, Ph.D. V.Yu. Tobilko, associate professor, Ph.D. V.M. Pavlenko, assistant A.I. Bondareva and leading engineer V.A. Makogon visited the ceramic tile production plant of Epicentr Ceramic Corporation, which is located in the village of Kalynivka, Fastiv district, Kyiv region.

The purpose of this visit is to get acquainted with the range of products, technology and equipment of the newest factory for the production of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware of the EPICENTER K group of companies and to discuss issues of cooperation in the training of specialists for personnel support of production.

The first stage of production with a capacity of 6 million m2 of tiles per year was put into operation in mid-2019, and by the end of 2021, the production capacity was planned at the level of 9 million m2 per year. During the next two years, it was planned to launch the 4th and 5th lines with a total volume of 15 million m2 of tiles per year.

The newest production facility with an area of over 70,000 m2 is equipped with high-tech equipment from the world leader in this field – the SACMI company, thanks to which Ukrainian ceramics can successfully compete with the world’s leading manufacturers and even exceed them in terms of product quality. It is assumed that 50% of the products will be exported to foreign markets, 50% will be sold in Ukraine, mostly in the parent network – Epicenter shopping centers.

It should be noted that thanks to the work of a highly qualified team of professionals and engineers, the latest production facilities were created on the basis of advanced equipment of the Italian manufacturers TM SACMI, SYSTEM and BMR, innovative production technologies were introduced, namely the digital color boost system – easy color boost, the technology of color rectification, the polishing line with the use of technologies – super shine and the quality control system of scanning – Qualitron and many other innovations.

The key to success is the following:

The use of domestic raw materials – the world’s best refractory clay and feldspar of own production;
High level of service – clear logistics and technical support of partners anywhere in the world;
Modern design – our own design studio develops new decors, reliefs and surfaces;
Quality control – covers the full cycle of production and control at all stages – from the extraction of raw materials to the delivery of finished products;
Highly qualified personnel.

During the meeting with the management of the plant, the main areas of cooperation were discussed. The acting director of the plant, Ruslan Valeryovich Khomenko, spoke about the current state and prospects for the development of production. He drew attention to the importance of providing production with qualified personnel, while noting the contribution of HTF graduates to the development of this enterprise, namely, chief technologist Leonid Demydchuk (graduate of the Department of Chemical Technology of Composite Materials) and Dmytro Smakal (graduate of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass), who is currently in the ranks of the Armed Forces, and others, and also focused on the necessary training of ceramic specialists.

From the side of the department of HTKS, thanks were expressed for the opportunity to get acquainted with the capacities of the most modern enterprise for the production of ceramic products and the problems of training ceramic specialists were voiced, and first of all, the lack of opportunities for students to undergo industrial and pre-diploma practice and to get acquainted with modern equipment and technological solutions of production processes .

As a result of the discussion, a decision was made regarding the need for joint activities in the training of personnel for the ceramic industry by organizing excursions, production and pre-diploma internships for students in production, as well as involving the leading specialists of the plant in the educational process.

An award from the President

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We are proud and wholeheartedly congratulate the 2009 graduate of our Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass, Chemical Technology Faculty of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky Stratiy (Shmelovu) Olga (KHM-31 group) with the President’s award “GOLD HEART” for volunteering. Many thanks to Olga and the MotoHelp team for supporting our defenders. This is the collection of funds and the purchase of cars for the front line and their repair, fuel, military radios and first-aid kits for soldiers, the delivery of donor blood where it is needed, and many other good deeds that bring us closer to victory!
On receiving the award, Olya said, “Immensely grateful to my friends and family for their support, as well as to our incredibly cool MotoHelp team, this award applies to each of us! I am very proud of the volunteer movement of Ukraine and every volunteer. May the rays of this heart illuminate our path to victory!”

Defense of master’s theses

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On December 21, 2022, at the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass, the defense of master’s theses took place under the educational and professional training program. Despite all the obstacles of today, the students presented the results of their research in a mixed format. The staff of the department sincerely congratulates the master’s students on the completion of their studies and successful defense! Let the knowledge acquired at the university be sure to be a guarantee of significant gains and help to reach the dream heights in professional activity! Peaceful sky!

Participation in the 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications& Properties”

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Antonina BONDARYEVA, a third-year graduate student, received grant support to present the scientific results of her dissertation research at the 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties”, which took place on September 11-16 in Krakow (Poland).
We wish not to lose scientific enthusiasm and successful publication of results.

New achievements

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The Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass sincerely welcomes Acting Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor TOBILKO Victoria Yuriyivna on the occasion of awarding the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department.
Accept, Victoria Yuriyivna, from the whole team wishes of good health, creative inspiration, fruitful projects and creative like-minded colleagues, interesting students.
We wish all of us a peaceful sky, bright hopes, confidence in the future and long peaceful years of life in a prosperous Ukraine!

Participation in the international conference FISA 2022 & EURADWASTE`22

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Between May 30 and June 3, 2022, 10 -and Euratom Research and Training Conference on FISA 2022 Reactor Safety and EURADWASTE`22 Radioactive Waste Management.
The conference program included lectures and workshops for young scientists on the prospects of nuclear energy, the characteristics of nuclear waste, its disposal and long-term management.
The conference was attended by a graduate student of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass Bondareva Antonina Igorevna, who received financial support from the organizers for participation in the conference.

Meeting of the Examination Commission. Masters 2022

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The defense of master’s theses will take place on June 14, 2022 from 14-00 Online.

Join the Zoom conference
ID: 845 536 3316
Code: 9dNC34

In accordance with the provisions on the certification of applicants for higher education KPI. Igor Sikorsky and other normative documents prepared works with reviews, previews, and signatures must be submitted to the department no later than 5 days before the defense.

Meeting of the examination commission. Bachelors 2022

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Attention bachelors of the ХM-81 group!

The meeting of the examination commission of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass, where the defense of bachelor’s degree projects will be held, is scheduled for two days.
21.06.2022 at 11.00
22.06.2022 at 14.00

According to current regulations, the finished manuscript and supporting documents must be submitted to the department 10 days before the defense and checked for plagiarism. Useful links and documents can be viewed on the relevant page of the site.