Consultation on a professional test for admission to a master’s degree

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Consultation on the professional entrance exam for admission to the master’s program is scheduled for August 22, 11-00 with the help of a zoom conference.

Join the Zoom conference

Conference ID: 856 4010 6588

Pass: rTDu17

Meeting of the Examination Commission. Protection of bachelors in 2020

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On June 18, 2020, a meeting of the Examination Commission of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass 2020 and defense of bachelor’s degree projects (group ХМ-61) is scheduled. To access, you must go through the pre-registration procedure at the link
Start: June 18, 2020 14:00 Kyiv
Conference ID: 394 277 6482

Meeting of the Examination Commission 2020

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Meeting of the Examination Commission of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass 2020
Defense of master’s theses of students of group ХМ-81мн.
To access, you must go through the pre-registration procedure at the link

Protecting students. Zagorodniuk
Time: May 21, 2020 14:00 Kyiv
Join the Zoom conference
Conference ID: 394 277 6482

Protecting students. Zinchenko
Time: May 21, 2020 15:00 Kyiv
Join the Zoom conference
Conference ID: 394 277 6482

About the educational process during quarantine

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According to the decisions of the rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, training continues in the distance mode. For students it is suggested to use the electronic campus with the available teaching materials for the respective disciplines. It is also advisable to keep in touch with teachers and students through e-mail correspondence and other communication tools when performing and checking papers.

Open Day in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

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Announce the Open Day of KPI them. Igor Sikorsky KPI AbitFest February 15, 2020

February 15, 2020 KPI them. Igor Sikorsky invites participants to the Open Doors Day of KPIAbitFest to the Scientific and Technical Library GI Denysenko (Kyiv, 37 L Victory Avenue).

Schedule of events:

10:00 Registration starts
10:00 – 14:00 Starting of locations (acquaintance with faculties / institutes and guests of the event, scientific experiments, workshops, demonstration of interesting developments)
10:30 am – 3:00 pm Speakers’ lectures on current topics (Halls 6.5, 4.2, 1.2) * Excursions by appointment only. Register here

Congratulations to Zhdanyuk Natalia Vasylivna with successful defense of the candidate’s thesis!

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On July 5, 2019, at the specialized academic council D 26.062.09 at the National Aviation University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the assistant of the chair of chemical technology of ceramics and glass, Zhdanyuk Natalia Vasilievna successfully defended his dissertation on the theme “Development of sorbents based on modified clays to protect water from inorganic toxicants” for obtaining a degree candidate of technical sciences (21.06.01 – ecological safety). The staff of the department sincerely congratulates Natalia Zhdanyuk and wishes for further success in scientific achievements! Continue reading

International Training Week for Erasmus+ partner universities

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In the context of continuing cooperation between the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the University of Dumlupinar (Kyutahia, Turkey) within the framework of the International Week of Training for Erasmus + partner universities, which was held at the KPI them. Igor Sikorsky from May 27 to 31, 2019, with the purpose of strengthening cooperation in the educational, methodological, scientific and innovative spheres, as well as in the organization of joint international projects, a meeting between the head of the department of chemical technology of ceramics and glass was held on May 27, 2019. NAS of Ukraine, doctor of sciences, professor B.Yu. Kornilovich with the head of the delegation of the University of Dumlupinar, Professor, Director of the Department of International Affairs, Professor Oktay Shahbaz, as well as members of the delegation – Professor Chengiz Karaguzel and Professor Umran Ergetin.

During the meeting, issues of future cooperation in the field of environmental protection and development of new materials based on natural non-metallic raw materials were discussed, as well as the possibility of introduction of double diplomas with the participation of the University of Dumlupinar (Kutahya, Turkey) and the chemical-technological faculty of KPI them. Igor Sikorsky (department of chemical technology of ceramics and glass).